Wednesday, January 30, 2008

25 miles

I walked 25+ miles this month! I'm so impressed and proud of myself! I don't think I've ever done that before. My knees are killing me, but if I keep this up, it won't be too much longer and maybe they'll quit hurting! Haven't lost a pound yet, but that's ok. I feel better because I'm walking!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Scholarship News

Great news! That scholarship application we were agonizing over a couple of weeks ago was worth the effort. It was a national scholarship that has to go through a local group first, then on to district/state, etc. Well, we cleared the first round and he will receive $800 from the local level! Hallelujah! What a blessing! Now we just have to wait to see if he'll pass the next level! Keep your fingers crossed.

Sunday, January 20, 2008


I haven't made it far yet (only 15 or so miles) towards my goal of walking to Washington DC. Here's a map to help me track my journey. It's a bit wonky, but will give you the idea of where I'm headed.

*EDIT* I decided to take the map out. I'll add a different one later!

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Into the Space Age

This two cow town has moved into the space age!!

Yes, we finally have high speed internet!

And for those who don't remember what dial-up was like, let me tell you that I feel like I'm cruising down the open road at 120 mph!

Not only do we now have high speed, but I can actually be on the internet and on the phone at the same time! We could only do that before if we had two separate phone lines. We also have TV service with a kajillion channels! Most of which we'll probably never watch, but it's fun to go through them! We only had 20 channels or so before, so this is lots of fun!

Zoom zoom ZOOM!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

14,000 miles

I'm determined to walk more this year, and hopefully in the process do two things: lose weight and make my knee feel better! It still hurts as much as it did 2 years after the 1st surgery!!

So, I bought myself a pedometer, and I joined this awesome group of ladies who are tracking the miles they walk, bike, run, etc. We're trying to "walk" to Iraq & back because one of the ladies in the group has a husband who's going over there for a year. It was her idea and we've just all joined her in her efforts to get there! Check out our blog 14,000 miles. That's where we're going to keep track of our progress. Or you can click on that little blinkie below on my side-bar.

I'll be trying to post here from time to time about my progress. My personal goal is to "walk" to Washington DC because Megan & I are going there over spring break this year! I hope to "be there" by the end of this year. I estimate it's about 3000 miles.

I need please, cheer me on by leaving me a note!!

Friday, January 4, 2008

Scholarship Anxiety

This is the season for scholarship applications...a time we go into hyperdrive looking for and applying for college scholarships. Let me tell's NUTS! And a bit aggravating.

Cory's had this one particular scholarship in his hands since November. If selected, he could win $60,000 ($15,000/year for 4 years). Then there are incremental awards down to $1000/year for 4 years. ANY of those would be a HUGE help to us! So what's he been doing with this application since NOVEMBER? Not a thing. Ok, he's dinked around a little bit on the essay, but has he collected all the necessary attachements? Copies of awards. Letters of recommendation. Transcripts. Nope. When is it due? NEXT WEEK!


I've been trying real hard to let him make his own decisions, his own choices, not to nag him about stuff...but DANGIT...this should've been his first priority. $60,000 is nothing to sneeze at. And yet, he's been ho-hum about it all.

I told him this morning that as of now...THIS was his first priority. There was nothing else more important that finishing up all the scholarship applications he's applying for (because most of them are due mid-January!).

SO THERE! Mom steps in once again to make his life miserable. But how else is that kid going to get through college? He is BRILLIANT, but doesn't have a lick of common sense!