I've mentioned before that we live close to the coast, right? We're about 15' above sea level, and rarely do we see snow here. Occasionally, we'll see it in the hills around us, but not down in the valley. This morning I woke up to this! 
The weather reports predicted a sprinkling of snow, but what we got was 1/2" of the most perfect snowball making kind of snow! Unfortunately, the only one I could lure out of the house this morning was the dog! She wasn't interested in the snow! She just wanted to play ball! It's funny, though, at the first sign of snow, the whole county cancelled school!
I love this picture! We collect froggy lawn ornaments and this jolly old fellow sits under our flowering plum tree. A friend asked me, after reading this post (so of course I had to come back to edit), how long we've collected froggies. We've never really purposely collected frogs. It's just happened. I lovingly call my husband a ~toad~, so over the years I've purchased him a toad or two.
Here are a few more snow pics! One is of a snowman the kids made. He's only about a foot tall. Kids on the coast just don't know how to make a "real" snowman! *lol*
His name was Pierre, until we realized that he looked more like a woman with that pink scarf. So he was renamed to Louisa. Hopefully, she won't have an identity crisis.
This one is of my son & his girlfriend..JPG)
He's a junior in High School and she's a senior. Cute, aren't they? Today is their 1 year anniversary.
The last one is of my daughter & her friend tasting snowflakes. They were so excited that school was cancelled!!
The weather reports predicted a sprinkling of snow, but what we got was 1/2" of the most perfect snowball making kind of snow! Unfortunately, the only one I could lure out of the house this morning was the dog! She wasn't interested in the snow! She just wanted to play ball! It's funny, though, at the first sign of snow, the whole county cancelled school!
Here are a few more snow pics! One is of a snowman the kids made. He's only about a foot tall. Kids on the coast just don't know how to make a "real" snowman! *lol*
This one is of my son & his girlfriend.
He's a junior in High School and she's a senior. Cute, aren't they? Today is their 1 year anniversary.
The last one is of my daughter & her friend tasting snowflakes. They were so excited that school was cancelled!!
What great snow photos! I wish we would get some snow.. it has been 3 years since we seen any...
thanks for sharing..
Joanne I love the pic of your froggy. Bet you were in shock to see the white stuff this morning!
WOW! I love snowy pics! I gues cause we don't ever really get snow here! Your photos are great!
This is just wrong Joanne! There's not SUPPOSED to be snow at the coast...it's sacred!! Should not be sullied with something like SNOW! That stuff belongs in the mountains... ;)
On the other hand, you did get some pretty cool pictures! :D
Great pictures - that is a surprising amt of snow for the coast there! I love that frog!
Well written article.
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